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July 21, 2008 Meeting Minutes
East Windsor Housing Authority
Regular Meeting – July 21, 2008


        The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Karen Boutin, Commissioners LaMay, Lamb, Legassie and Percoski were in attendance, as well as Dale Nelson, our liaison to the Board of Selectman.


        There was one Added Agenda Item.

        Under New Business:


        Regular Meeting – June 16, 2008

        The minutes of the regular meeting of June 16, 20008 were reviewed by all Commissioners present.  A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of June 16, 2008 as presented.

        Percoski/Legassie               Unanimous


        Carolyn Wichniewicz, Apt. 18 asked if all the board members have addresses and telephone numbers of all the residents.  The Executive Director responded to this by stating that as a norm, the telephone numbers are not given out but as a member of the board, if a board member wishes a list they are given one.  Ms Wichniewicz was asked why the question and she responded by saying that she had received a nasty telephone call from one of the Board members and since her number is unlisted and unpublished she wanted to know how this particular board member got her telephone number.
         The board member in question responded that yes a telephone call had been placed to Ms. Wichniewicz regarding water of other people’s gardens but that the call was not nasty.

        Check Register – June 18 – July 16, 2008

        The check register for June 18 – July 16, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered.   A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to accept the check register of June 18 – July 16, 2008 as presented.

        LaMay/Percoski                          Unanimous

Bank Reconciliation June, 2008

        The Bank Reconciliation of June, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present.


We have three vacancies, two in different stages of rehab.   One just vaTwo will be ready next month.


There are no evictions pending at this time.  Tenant has voluntarily moved out of apartment #24.


We lost water pressure twice this month due to moisture getting into an electrical transfer box inside the holding tank.  The holding tank was bypassed and water was pumped directly into the pressure tanks from the wells while the problem was fixed.  Water pressure was low during this time period, about two hours.  Hopefully we will not experience this problem again.

One of the pumps in the holding tank is not functioning.   We have to pull it out to determine what is wrong with the pump.   At this time, we don’t know why the pump stopped working but if it has to be replaced will cost between $300 - $500 to purchase a new pump.   When any additional information is forthcoming it will be brought to the attention of the commission.

Also, on Thursday night, July 17th we had a water main break.   The water on level two and three was out for approximately 2 hours on Friday while we attempted to determine what caused the break.   Zeke’s Pump repair was called in but had to wait until today to fix the problem due to the fact that we had to place a call to call before you dig.   Zeke’s diagnosed the problem as a plastic coupling between the two pipes had given way and the pipes had separated.  This coupling was supposed to have been brass, the new coupling is brass.  At this writing, we are not sure how many more of these couplings are plastic.

Appliance Upgrade

CL&P has provided us with 11 new air conditioners to replace older inefficient models.   This is all the air conditioners that we will get for the time being as our remaining air conditioners are relatively new and more efficient.

This morning an e-mail was received from Ray Mack our liaison with CL&P and we were notified that additional air conditioners will be ordered towards the end of July.  Refrigerators will not be replaced as they do not meet the criteria; and due to budgetary constraints lighting retro-fits are being put on hold.  We are on the pending list for light retro-fit and when any additional information is forthcoming, it will be brought to the attention of the commission.

PILOT Payment

The East Windsor Housing Authority Board of Commissioners has been scheduled to appear before the Board of Selectman on August 5, 2008 (this meeting has been rescheduled to August 19, 2008) regarding our request for a reduction in the PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) payment and handicapped transportation.

Roof Replacements

We have requested bids for 7 roof replacements which include gutters, ridge vents and stove vents.   Once these are received we will go to CHFA to either get a loan or if we have enough money in our reserves there use those.   The loan is low interest and our quarterly management fees will more than pay for it.  CHFA will be closed during the month of August so any financial matters will have to wait until September 1st.

Resident Services Coordinator Update

The East Windsor Housing Authority’s resident services coordinator became effective on July 1, 2008.  as of this report, she has only put in three weeks, approximately 23 hours.  Over that time period she has accomplished the following:

        Met with representatives from the VNCC regarding services offered and procedures for assessing their services and/or programs.

        Contacted Connecticut Community Care Inc. (CCCI) regarding their organization and what is available to residents here.  CCCI is available for those residents who are 62 years or older and on Title XIX or State Medicaid.

        Made one home visit and referred the resident to VNCC.  This resident is now receiving services through VNCC which are helping him manage his day to day routine better.

        Helped 7 residents regarding medical problems regarding what can be done to help them out and what they need now or may require in the future.

        Assisted residents in getting the paperwork together for the Renters Rebate and have assisted several residents in filling out the Redetermination form for the State of Connecticut, Department of Social Services.  Also assisted one resident in transferring medical records from one doctor to another.

Service Calls

A memo has been sent out to all residents of Park Hill regarding service calls.  They have been requested not to stop Darrell during the day and to call the office with all service calls.

A memo has also been sent around regarding the dumping of cardboard boxes.  All residents have been asked to break down the boxes and place them on the ground next to the Dumpster instead of throwing them inside the dumpster.

There were no Reports of Committees


A)      Residents Booklet

        The Executive Director requested that all commissioners present give him any changes that they have made to the book; he will make the changes as suggested and present the booklet to the Commission at the next meeting.

B)      Bus for the Mentally challenged/disabled residents

        Due to the postponement of the August 5th Board of Selectman meeting, this issue has been tabled to the September, 2008 meeting.


A)       Quarterly Report

        The quarterly report for the quarter ending 6/30/08 was reviewed by all Commissioners present and all questions answered.

B)      Insurance

        Chairman Boutin presented for consideration a change to Conneticare for the employees of the Housing Authority.  There was a general discussion regarding this insurance between the Executive Director and the Commissioners present and as this proposal does not offer the same coverage as the employees are now receiving under Blue Cross/Blue Shield it is not under consideration.  The Chairman has offered to look into additional health insurance.


There were no new Policy and Procedures
A)      Personnel Matters

        A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to go into Executive Session at 7:51 p.m. to include the Executive Director and Administrative Assistant as needed.

        Percoski/LaMay                                  Unanimous

The Executive Session was closed at 8:24 p.m. with no action taken.


A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 8:30 p.m.

        Percoski/LaMay                                          Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Steven D. Knibloe
Executive Director

Darlene H. Kelly
Recording Secretary